For the first few weeks in our GSP 420 course me and my group have begun the "production" phase where we're beginning to work on our specified cores; Main framework Core, Graphics Core, and AI & Collision Core based on the class diagrams we've developed for them. To begin the core that I'm in, I started off doing the spriteContainer class and Tile class. The way me and my group wanted our game engine to be was as universal as possible, so the idea I had for the spriteContainer class was to have a storage where we can place Texture2D objects in and whenever we want to grab those images we can just invoke the variable from the class. To start this off as somewhat a template I created various Texture2D variables giving them a getter and setter such as; player, enemy, block1, and exitTile.
public static Texture2D player{get; private set;}
public static Texture2D enemy{get; private set;}
public static Texture2D block1{get; private set;}
public static Texture2D exitTile{get; private set;}
The reasoning for them having a getter and setter is simple, the name says it all. To get the value of the variable and or be able to assign something to the variable. Purposely having the setter private so only the spriteContainer class can assign the variables to something and any other class is inaccessible to doing so. After creating a couple of variables I created a function that loads the content into specified variables called Load(ContentManager content). So at the moment if we invoke these variables outside the class, nothing happens. The purpose of the Load(ContentManager content) is to be able to assign these Texture2D variables to images using XNA's content.Load. In this function I begun assigning these variables to be able to load an image by doing:
player = content.Load<Texture2D>("spriteContainer/player");
enemy = content.Load<Texture2D>("spriteContainer/enemy");
block1= content.Load<Texture2D>("spriteContainer/block1");
exitTile = content.Load<Texture2D>("spriteContainer/exitTile");
What is happening is where assigning Texture2D variables like player, enemy and or exitTile to be able to load .png files (because we're casting Texture2D) from the folder "spriteContainer" and specifying the actual file name. So now when we're outside of this class we can just do spriteContainer.player instead of doing it the long way; content.Load<Texture2D>("spriteContainer/player"); all the time. The best part about this class is considering this is a game engine... For any game speaking, we can just continuously create new variables and add them into the Load function to store them up in the system so we can use them universally. Thus finishes the spriteContainer class....Until we make a game!
After completing the spriteContainer class I decided to tackle down the Tile class. The purpose of the Tile class is simple...It's basically just identifying something to being a Tile in a .txt file. So this tile can be a variable from spriteContainer or just a simple string name with a collision. Now thanks to actually doing a class diagram for the graphics core I know there's going to be an association with Tile and the levelEditor class. So Tile is going to have somewhat a significance in the making. The way I thought of the Tile class was to identify something being a tile and deciding what collision type it was. So to begin this I created an enumeration called collisionType.
enum collisionType{ Passable = 0, Blocked = 1, Platform = 2, Trigger = 3}
The enumeration is pretty straight foward; to determine what collision type a tile has. If a tile has a collision type of passable, on a .txt file the player can pass through it. If the tile is Blocked, the player cannot pass through it. If it is a platform, the player can jump on it but keeping in mind the tile does have bounds. If the tile has a collision type of Trigger then that basically means the tile can cause an event. So this could be an item event for example. After doing this I created a Texture2D object called texture and an object of collisionType called collision. Then to be able to manipulate the size of an image/tile I did
public const int Width = 32;
public const int Height = 32;
public static readonly Vector2D Size = new Vector2D(width,Height);
I did this because in the levelEditor class I know there will be an association occuring in the Draw function where I can place Size in. So if I wanted to change the size of a tile I could always change the value of Width or Height. To continue this I created a simple constructor called;
Tile(Texture2D texture, collisionType collision)
Inside it I basically just assign the variables to eachother:
this.texture = texture;
this.collision = collision;
Doing this completed the Tile class. Now all that's left to complete are four classes; camera, levelEditor, Animate, and Render! Can't wait to begin on the Animate class.
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